JCSIT| journal of computational science and intelligent technologies| Mnaa| Mnaa Publications| Mnaapub| Mnaa Pub|J Comput Sci Intell Technol|ISSN: 2582-9041|2582-9041
JCSIT| journal of computational science and intelligent technologies| Mnaa| Mnaa Publications| Mnaapub| Mnaa Pub

Submission to first decision: 45 days

Submission to acceptance: 90 days

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responsibility of the Reviewer

  • Assist in the decision-making process.
  • Assist in improving the quality of the published paper by reviewing the manuscript objectively, and in a timely manner.
  • Act in a confidential manner to information supplied by an Editor or Author.
  • Inform the Editor to any content that is substantially like that under review.
  • Be aware of potential conflicts of interest (financial, institutional, or collaborative between the reviewer and author), and to alert the Editor to these.


Reviewers are expected to provide advice on the following points in their review reports:

  • Is the manuscript written comprehensively enough to be understandable? If not, how could it be improved?
  • Have adequate proofs been provided for the declarations?
  • Have the authors addressed the previous findings fairly?
  • Does the paper offer enough details of its methodology to reproduce the experiments?
  • Mnaa Pub world encourages authors to publish detailed protocols as supporting information online. Do any particular methods used in the manuscript warrant such a protocol?


The peer-review of a manuscript is a confidential process. Reviewers should keep the whole process completely confidential. Reviewers should not disclose any information whatsoever to anyone before publication of the manuscript.

*Contents on this page was referred from Elsevier and Bentham science publisher